Friday, December 7, 2012

The material inquisition sheet of green laser pointer

 The use of the laser device object, there are many appropriate professional models, such as buttons for laser marking machine, laser detonators special coding machine, bearing special laser coding machine, crystal special laser marking machine, laser liner special heat treatment machine and so on. Although China's industrial laser products and markets have seen significant development, but there are some problems. Such as the rush to produce a particular type or a product, resulting in product prices deviate from its value, the market turmoil; investment in R & D funding is inadequate; technological progress than other countries; some components imported; lack of effective measures to protect intellectual property rights. The material inquisition sheet of green laser pointer needs the signature of the director of the workshop.
However, laser products and applications have been deep into all walks of life, families, and become the new century's most popular and most promising technology and industry. Laser processing robot is the 21st century, the international advanced manufacturing technology. An overview of the principle of laser robot, composition, type and number of major industrial applications. Discussion focuses on some key laser processing robot cell technology - optical fiber transmission of high power laser technology, robot body technology, robot programming, robot intelligence, and network technology and reverse engineering of 3D reconstruction of repair (3D) morphology of technology. Laser processing robot made some important future development direction - high-power laser remote processing and flexible manufacturing technology, machine vision and hearing capabilities with intelligent control technology and remote monitoring of network management technology. The warehouse needs more room to accommodate more green laser pointer .
The rapid development of laser technology in recent years, emerged into the flexible machine can be coupled with fiber-based transmission of high-power industrial lasers. In the field of advanced manufacturing intelligence, automation and information technology advances to promote robotics and laser technologies, especially in the automotive industry needs to drive the laser processing robot industry, the formation and development.

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