Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Once the customer feels some heat on the body of laser pointer

Once the customer feels some heat on the body of laser pointer .
Specify the position of the absorption lines in the second harmonic signal. If the program is running in user mode, these values can not be changed. Specified line in the position of the reference line the maximum deviation. If the deviation is larger than the value specified, the instrument will adjust the laser temperature so that the actual absorption line back to the location of the reference line. If the program is running in user mode, these values can not be changed. Constants used in the calculations of gas concentrations. After calibration, the calibration constant has been modified (see Part 4.3.7). If the program is running in user mode, this value in this menu can not be manually modified. This constant is used to calculate the line width, in turn, it is also used to calculate the gas concentration. After calibration, the line width constant and the calibration constants can be modified (see Part 4.3.7).The customer should stop using laser pointer .
If the program is running in user mode, this value in this menu can not be manually modified. This parameter change the line width measurement of the role of on and off. If off, the use of a given theoretical line width of the given gas pressure and temperature. If open, the line width by the second harmonic absorption line shape measurements. If the program is running in user mode, this value in this menu can not be manually modified. All gas and calibration of the spectral temperature in this menu. The following are examples of instruments to measure the three gases. There are two kinds can be used in calibration mode: "proportional calibration" and "full calibration". The default calibration mode is proportional calibration. In this mode, the instrument calibration constants adjusted proportionately based on the measurement and concentration.
It should use a test unit and an implementation of the validation of the measurement of gas and nitrogen gas mixture. Verified that the current calibration is not invalid. This step requires technical expertise to deal with gas mixtures and some experience. As a rule, only qualified personnel trained to perform a comprehensive calibration. On the calibration of the selection method, an overview is given in Part 5.3. Next, the instrument calibration steps described above, the proportion of calibration methods. The only difference is that this program requires a password, which can be obtained from your local dealer or factory.

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